Lorna Hill is a self-confessed ‘impatient perfectionist’ whose work encompasses digital illustration, traditional printmaking, and handcrafts. Her work reflects her focus on storytelling and identity, as well as her penchant for oversharing, creating outcomes exploring deeply personal subjects in an open and honest way.

Encouraging interaction and connection is important to Lorna’s practice as an autistic, queer artist. Creative pursuits allow her to express her messy thoughts and feelings in a way she hopes others can understand, interspersed with her trademark dark humour and nihilistic optimism.

When she isn’t drawing or having existential crises, Lorna enjoys spending time with her long-suffering cat, and taking naps. She can’t give herself a compliment outside of the third person and was once told off in school for not knowing how to spell her own middle name. (In her defence, she was 5 years old, and ‘Catherine’ can be spelled a lot of different ways)